Environmental Wellness
Seeking out supportive environments that enable you to be your best self. Environmental wellness can also mean connecting with the world around you and understanding how your actions affect the environment.

Environmental Consciousness
As human beings it is our responsibility to care for our Earth. It is important to understand how your actions affect the environment. Remember the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. I have been trying to live a more sustainable life by conserving my energy use, supporting local farms/businesses, cutting back on red meat consumption, and reducing my water use.

Immediate Environments
Our immediate environments affect how we perform on a daily basis. Your personal/workspace should feel comfortable and promote efficiency. In a broader sense, you should engage and work with your community to encourage a healthy environment for everyone around you.

Keeping Your Environment Fresh
You should keep your surroundings fresh and step away from your space every now and then. When taking breaks, I suggest going outside and spending time connecting with nature.